July 2012 Moms

Sandy . . . If only you came last year

I have to say I have never been one to freak out about storms but having two babies to worry about makes it a whole different ball game.

If this happened a little over a year ago DH and I would be drinking wine and enjoying our days off of work.

Now we are all having a sleepover in the basement and I am freaking out about losing power when I have two little mouths to feed. I had to throw the towel in with BFing so I EP now. I am so worried about pumping, cleaning bottles and heating them up. I have a deep freezer full of milk that I would be devastated if we lost. We are pretty well prepared so they won't starve but this is also really bringing back up my sad feelings about not bring able to BF.

As much as I love having him off work, I wish tomorrow was a normal day and DH was going to work and then to school after work.

On a plus side, my DH is really handy and likes to be Johny on the spot so he is working on making key parts of our house fridge, deep freezer, stove and furnace be able to function still if the power goes out. Too bad it isnt all set up for this time.

Thanks for listening to me ramble. Keep your fingers crossed our power stayed on and I am praying that everyone else is safe out there too.
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