July 2012 Moms

Today has royally sucked. (long & PIP)

It's just been one thing after another. LO woke up cranky (he normally wakes up happy), had his morning bottle, then threw it all up. Then he started the crying, at this point it was just the "not getting my way" crying, not the "I'm in pain" cry, so I don't think anything of it. Then I got him dressed, but his "new" consignment outfit was too tight. I looked and saw "NB"  - I have no idea why I thought it said "0-3" when I bought it. So we changed outfits. Que more vomit. Change clothes again.

I put LO in the carseat and start looking for my keys, but can't find them. I suddenly realize I left them in DH's car and he's already at work. Awesome. So I call DH and tell him to come home - thankfully he only works 20 minute away. All this time, LO has been crying - I look and he has a HUGE slash down his face. Again, awesome. So while I wait on DH, I fight LO to cut his nails and try not to create a finger bloodbath.

I finally get to daycare and work, and start to relax a little. Then at 12:30 the daycare calls and say he threw up his bottle and has been non-stop crying. When I walk in the door to pick him up, I hear him crying and it had turned into the "I'm in pain" cry - it completely broke my heart. We got to the Pedi at 3, and at that point I noted that he hadn't had a wet diaper since the daycare changed him at 12:15. Great. So the Pedi had me give him pedialite every 45 min. and put a catch bag on him, and said if there was still no urine by 5, we might have to put in a catheter. Well, at 5pm on the dot he finally peed. He was slightly dehydrated (well duh, he threw everything up this morning and hasn't eaten since) and while we were there he had diarrhea - so with all that they ruled it stomach flu.

So now he's crying/whimpering because he's hungry and can only have an ounce of pedialite every 45 minutes. And I get to wake him up throughout the night to make him drink. I hate this for him.

And to put the cherry on top, I somehow pulled a groin muscle today.

Here's my pitiful little guy, complete with slashed cheek.


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