July 2012 Moms

GTKY: Your Last Pregnancy

I thought it might be fun to reminisce about our pregnancies which resulted in our July babies.  So here are a few GTKY questions...

1. How many weeks were you when you found out you were pg?  - I was less than 4 weeks.  I had not even missed my period yet!

2. Were you actively TTC or was your baby a pleasant surprise?  If you were TTC, How long?  - We had been trying for 7 months when we finally got our BFP.

3. How did you tell your partner and how did he react?  -    My temp was still up the day before AF would usually arrive, so I POAS in the morning before MH left for work.  We waited the 2 mins then went in to look together... Awesome moment!

4. Did you find out the sex?  - Yes

5. When did you start showing?  - Around 22-23 weeks

6. What did you crave?  - blue cheese and hot sauce on just about anything

7. Do you miss being pregnant?  - Yup!

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