July 2012 Moms

Few discoveries after our minivacations with LO

We went for a family trip for 3 days. I thought it would be nice and relaxing and fun. Well it was sort of  fun, but not relaxing and I have discovered few things about my baby:

- She hates being in the car! She was crying all the time we were driving. Needless to say everybody in the car got very tense after few minutes of her crying loudly and unconsolably.  I thought may be she was scared of darkness when we were driving there at night but next day in the morning  she was crying again as soon as we put her in car seat. I thought babies like being in a car? My boys always would just nap while we were driving...

 - She was very upset and did not want to  sleep anywhere other then my arms. I had to rock her for 3 hours first night.

- She definitely knows that she is not at home.  I thought that she would not care that much about the change of the surroundings as long as her mom is there, but she was making it clear that she does not like to be away from home, LOL.

We are planning a longer (9 days) vacations over Chistmas and I am already dreading it!

Do you have some advice on what to do to soothe babies on the road?

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