July 2012 Moms

XP: sick baby?? longish....

So all last week O had a fever that went up and down. I noticed it Tuesday evening..he was warm with rosy cheeks and just wasn't his usual happy, smiley self. Took his temp, it was 100.4. Called the pedi and they said give him a little Tylenol and bring him in the next morning. Gave him Tylenol, fever stayed down all night. At the pedi the next morning, no fever. She checked his ears, didn't think he was teething. She thought it was just a little virus. So the rest of the week he was himself all day, then spiking a fever at night. Even though he wasn't as happy as usual, he still wasn't acting very sick. Didn't really cry or fuss, except Friday afternoon when I think he was just very tired. Took him to the Dr again Saturday morning, upon their suggestion, and again no temp. Same dr said she thought it was maybe roseola because she noticed a very faint rash (little tiny dots that weren't raised). She said that we should just watch him and if the fever went up and stayed up (100.5 or above) to call and we'd probably have to take him to children's hospital. She said if it was 101 or above, to go without question, so that they could do tests, which would consist of probably a cath urine test, blood work and chest xray. she said she didnt think we'd have to go, though.So no fever all day, then Saturday night getting ready for bed we took his temp and it was 101. We were so scared to have to put him through all that testing, but of course we went. No temp when we got there! Two different docs checked him and said it's probably just a virus. No testing done-phew. He was happy as a clam the whole time we were there, smiling and giggling even though he was exhausted. He hasn't really had a fever since...it has gone up randomly to like 100.3 after sleep or play, but hasn't stayed up. He has been peeing as much as he always does, but strangely he hasn't been pooping as much! Normally he has like 1 big one and 2 or three smaller poops throughout the day. For the past 4 days he has only had one a day.Also, we had started him sleeping in his crib in the magic sleep suit but all week we had him in the RnP in our room since I didn't want him to overheat. Last night since the fever was gone, I put him in his crib in the sleep suit and he slept from 9:30-1:45, then 2-5, then 5:30-9:30 and now he has been asleep again for an hour. He has never slept at night like that...he usually is up every 2/3 hours. I have several questions! Could the not pooping be due to the tylenol we gave him? We only gave it twice, once on Tuesday evening and once on Friday evening. He is EBF by the way.  Also, could this possibly be teething?! He definitely chews his hands and makes all kinds of straining noises lately when he's doing it. What else could this be?? Sorry, this was soo long and thanks if you made it all the way through! I am just nervous and not sure if something is wrong or if this is really no big deal and I am overthinking things!! Any insight is greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!ETA: Shouldn't have called this 'longish' in the subject...it got WAY long once I started! SOrry!! Also, apologies for spelling and grammatical errors. I typed this fast so I could get it in before he wakes up :)
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