July 2012 Moms

Transitioning to the crib sucks

I'm so tired. I had gotten so spoiled with DS sleeping 7+ hours at a time in his rnp and now that we're transitioning over to the crib I'm lucky if I can get a 3-4 hour stretch in there.

We finally had to transition him over after finding him on his side in the rnp on Friday morning. We put him in a swaddle sleepsack so there's no way to strap him into the rnp so we decided just to go cold turkey into the crib. DS is not a fan of this technique. For the past three nights he wakes up every 10-15 minutes for the first 2 hours. Then he'll sleep for about and hour and then wakes up. And then finally gives us a longer stretch of about 3-4 hours. I really hope he embraces this crib thing soon.

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