July 2012 Moms

Feeding Schedule and Daycare

So I was talking with DD's daycare teacher on Friday about ways to help transition her into daycare because she's been really fussy during the day (although she's only been there for 3 days and I'm pretty sure she's going through her 12 week growth spurt). One thing the teacher suggested is to get her on a feeding schedule (right now she's eating on demand at home and at daycare). I'm not really sure how to do this though. We kept track of when she ate over the weekend and it varied from 1.5 hours to 3.5 hours. What am I supposed to do, tell daycare to offer her a bottle every 2-2.5 hours and let her scream if she's hungry before then? Hmm I want to do what's best for DD, but I'm tempted to tell daycare to just keep things as they are. Thoughts?
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