July 2012 Moms

So Frustrated (vent)

DS, DH, and I went to Sears to get pictures taken for Christmas Cards. We had a groupon for a pretty big package so I was really excited.

The shoot went great and we got some really good ones. When we got back to the desk to pick the prints, the girl who worked there totally flaked out. She was going on and on about her husband who is deployed, but then about how she is pregnant, and how she has to go to a stupid halloween party tonight and be around a bunch of drunk idiots. I would have been fine if she was just a little talkative, I can totally get that. But then while she was working with me on the pictures she told me to "Hold On" and called her Bffffff4Lyfe who is going to the party with her and told her she is almost done with work so she should start straightening her hair. Oh don't worry, I don't have a three month old who just loves sitting patiently at a portrait studio.

So in the midst of all of this, she was preparing the CD I bought (as an extra item to the package, so it was like 60 bucks) that had all of the images on it. I just got home and the cd is EMPTY. No images found at all. Maybe if she wasn't so concerned with her plansand calling and texting and just did her job, I could be here sending my pictures out to family instead of being PO'ed. Such a pet peeve when people are so ridiculous on their cell phones, especially when working!

Ugh, sorry just needed to vent. As soon as I get this issue resolved with them I will post some of the pics!

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