Pregnant after IF

Tell me about IVF pregnancy and spotting

I am 5 weeks tomorrow, and been having spotting for three days, almost on the dot starting at 6 pm at night (weird!) with some AF like cramping.   the first night was a bright red light bleed for about 20 mins, but beta came in ok the next day and RE said it can just happen after IVF.  

Since then it's spotting pinkish/red/ I  can't tell what's going on because of the white progesterone suppositories (which maybe is causing it??)    it's so disconcerting, and hard not to worry.  my crazy hormonal fear  is that this is something bad in the works, and my progesterone support is just preventing it. =/




me: 37, pcos; DH: 39, no probs. TTC #2 for 1.5 years:
2 clomid cycles, 5 injectible cycles,7 total iui's,
ivf #1 cancelled due to dominant follicle.
IVF 1.2 October 2012: ER=7R, 3F, 5dt of two 'perfect' blasts,
bfp turned ectopic /nothing to freeze.
IVF #2: 2/5: ER= 10R, 5F. ET 2/8 of two perfect 5 day blasts, one to freeze.
BFP! 7dpt5dt Beta #1: 87 Beta #2: 242 Beta #3: 594 Beta #4:1200!
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