1st Trimester

surprise bfp after ten+ days of bleeding

Hi everyone!  I have been lurking on the ttgp board while waiting for my cycles to regulate post bcp.  I have had wonky cycles.  I had a period about a month ago the started spotting. I the had spotting-light bleeding for 12 days which stopped a couple days ago. 

 Today on a whim, I took a test. Three actually. A frer, a target brand and a cbe digital. All positive. I'm happy but also incredibly confused given the last months bleeding. I'm wondering if maybe I had a cp and the test is picking up some residual hormones. I have no idea. 


Im happy and hope I am pregnant and hope I stay that way. If I do, my edd is July 5. Unfortunately, I wasn't charting yet so I can't pinpoint ovulation.

 I'd appreciate anyone's thoughts. I also apologize for any typos -I'm on my iPad and it won't let me edit for some reason.  


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