July 2012 Moms

Freaking out: Evacuation :(

well, it looks like we are going to have to evacuate tomorrow.  We basically live on an island (with small bridges connecting to land) next to a big river.   I am freaking out.

Last year during Irene my car was totalled because we were on vacation and no one moved it.  The water was about 3 feet high but luckily none got INSIDE my home.  Other houses around me got it pretty bad. 

Its going to be insane to pack us, the dogs, the babies, the rabbits and the breastmilk (lol) up and go.  They are saying to prepare for a week!   What would you pack for your babies to keep them/ you sane?  (besides the obvious like diapers, wipes and bottles)

Sidenote:  I am so pissed at DH because he is insisting that we go to his friends Halloween party tonight 40 minutes away when this Hurricane is coming and we need to prepare.  We got in a huge fight over it. 

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