Pregnant after IF

Still not ready to join you but I have another question

I always find it a little annoying when people ask questions like this and now I'm totally being the annoying person. FU IF, seriously. 

Anyway, my beta doubling time is a bit slow and I KNOW it's within normal range but I just need to hear (read) some success stories to make me feel better. I've gotten pregnant before; I just have difficulty staying pregnant, so I'm sure you can understand my trepidation.

Beta #1 at 9dp5dt: 118

Beta #2 at 12dp5dt: 319

Beta #3 at 14dp5dt: 520

I'm going in for one more beta on Monday. It sucks that IF+loss has taken away any happiness that I can have about this pregnancy. Thank you for bearing with me and I'm REALLY hoping to join you ladies for good xoxo

I suck at getting pregnant
I really suck at staying pregnant
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