1st Trimester

Anybody's parents unable to keep a secret?

We're planning to wait until Christmas (12 weeks) to tell everyone, but we'll tell our parents much sooner. MIL & FIL will be in town next weekend, so that's perfect - except my FIL can't keep his damn mouth shut about anything, so I can't imagine this would be different. I asked DH who he thought FIL might tell if he did let it slip, and he said, "Idk, grandparents. Friends. The local newspaper."

If it was just up to me, I'd probably either wait to tell them or just tell MIL for now, but I think FIL would be really upset about the latter. I also want to tell my parents soon, but I'm waiting to see them in person, and there's the tiniest chance they would cross paths with someone FIL knows before I have a chance to tell them. 

What would you do? Anybody been here before? 

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