July 2012 Moms

Losing my mind

I need to vent about LO's lack of sleep and MY lack of sleep. Last night she woke up literally every.freaking.hour. Sometimes even after 45 minutes!! This has happened twice now, last night and last week. Other nights she might sleep for 3 hours and wake up every two. She has always been a horrible sleeper at night. She's only done one 6 hour stretch and that was a month ago. Since then we're lucky to have a three or four hour stretch. She naps during the day, for 30 mins to an hour at most.

How much longer can I do this! My DH is in medical school and studying for the boards. So he's sleeping in another room since he has to study the entire day and has to be alert. Therefore I'm in charge of LO night and day. I feel like there's no relief in sight because even after his test, which is in 3 more weeks, then he'll be flying for residency interviews and will be gone all the time. Yesterday he told me that I'm not myself and he hates seeing me so exhausted.. No kidding!!!!! I'm losing it, I hate talking about LO's sleep issues with mom or motherinlaw who say "she's still so little" or "maybe she was hungry, cold, etc" and it's none of those things!!!! She's just awake!

As far as how she's sleeping... she's in her crib in our room which has has been for awhile so it's not because its a new thing. She sleeps swaddled ad unswaddled, I've done both and it makes no difference. White noise has never helped. I check her to see if she's hot or cold and she's not. She sleeps in cotton pjs and a large blanket that I swaddle her in or swaddle to her underarms. When she wakes up I see if its time to feed her, I BF. If it is she goes right back to sleep. If not then I gave her the paci and then she will go back to sleep. So she is not up for very long, five to ten minutes at most, but WHY is she up constantly!!!! It is not hunger anymore and I'm out of ideas. I hate who I am during the day. A zombie.

Thanks for reading this far.
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