July 2012 Moms

The Juggle

I am really, really struggling with the juggle of work and home. I have a very demanding job that I worked hard to get and have a lot of pressure to succeed there, but my heart and my faith tell me I am supposed to put my marriage and family first. Depending on the hour or day I constantly feel like I am failing at any one or many of my roles - boss, employee, client, wife or mother. I also feel like I am constantly forgetting something - e.g. did I wash the bottles, remember all of my pump parts, do I have on two shoes from the same pair, and ohmigosh am I late again? My husband tells me that I put too much pressure on myself, perhaps more than anyone else ever will. And I know that it's hard for women to "have it all" especially all at the same time. But I feel like I'm not doing great at anything and I'm exhausted and I'm worried that it shows. Anyone else in the same boat? Anyone have any tips for navigating or success stories?
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