July 2012 Moms

sleep routine - help!

I'm loosing my mind.  My LO usually won't go down for the night until 11:00 and then she'll sleep 'till about 7:00 or 8:00, but she'll get up once or twice in the middle.

Tonight she decided to sleep all evening and woke up at midnight and now I can't get her to relax. 

How do you establish a good nighttime routine?  I can't take these random nights when she doesn't want to sleep and I want her to sleep earlier in the evenings.  I can't handle being kept up anymore.  I am not getting enough rest. I know she is still only three months, but it seems like lots of women have these babies on a routine which makes it easier on the parents.

It really sucks that I always have to give into the baby.  If she wants to be awake, she gets to be awake.  I want to call the f-ing shots!

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