July 2012 Moms

UPDATE: First night...

UPDATE: Maybe I should have unswaddled him much earlier...hopefully this wasn't a fluke but the little guy was SO comfy all night and slept from 9:30 to just now (7:00)...I kept checking on him in the monitor and he was all over the place in the crib but mostly slept on his side :) 


...without a swaddle! Ben is rolling from back to front (as of yesterday!) as soon as I set him down, so I'm too scared to keep him swaddled. He has been sleeping an average of 8 hours per night swaddled, so I'm just going to assume that we're going to have a rough night tonight since he still has quite a sensitive startle reflex!

I'm worried that even though I just put him on his back and he is asleep that he will roll in the night and end up on his tummy since he seems more comfortable like that...if that happens do I leave him sleeping or wake him up to fix his position? He has the Snuza on but I'm still so nervous about the increased SIDS risk!

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