July 2012 Moms

WTFWIT? Home Improvement Edition

No real point to this post but here goes...

This morning at 4:30 I couldn't get back to sleep after feeding LO so I randomly decided to reorganize the kitchen pantry.

The pantry is the size of a walk in closet.

I pulled EVERYTHING out and spread it all over the kitchen and some spilled over into the dining room.

Then, since LO was sleeping so soundly, I thought [here's the really dumb part] I would paint the pantry.

This has been on my to do list for ages and I have been feeling pretty unproductive lately so...

Yeah, 2 shelves of 10 are done, LO won't nap and my kitchen looks like it belongs on an episode of hoarders.

What the eff was I thinking?!?!
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