July 2012 Moms

Thanks a lot taxi driver.

So I'm limping with a leg brace and a cane at work due to my knee injury, feeling crappy about how my job treated me last week, feeling down about not being able to carry my baby around, hobbling my way to work to save my job, and on doctors orders to take a taxi to and from the train station until my knee feels more stable. I call the taxi company yesterday at work and tell them where i am and where i need to go. The taxi gets there and i cane my way into the car.

I get in and remind the guy where i need to go. He starts driving and makes a call on his cell to dispatch and starts YELLING at the dispatch guy for sending him to pick me up because "Its a 4 dollar ride and not worth my time" Literally yelling that same line Repeatedly loudly and saying its not worth it, its not worth it.

I'm sitting in the back seat, open mouthed, like, Really? you see me limping with a cane, is that not a good enough reason for you to shut your stupid mouth and take a me where i need to go? Couldn't he at least have waited til he dropped me off to make that call?? Ugh! Like i didn't feel bad enough. 

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