July 2012 Moms

I hate confrontation (long)

OK, so being a therapist, I am all about communication and blahdiblah. However, in my personal life, I HATE any kind of confrontation or discussion about issues within a relationship (with the exception of DH; I am fine with telling him whats up.) I get nervous, flustered and uncomfortable, and then I don't have any good points to make. Luckily, I don't really have much drama in my personal relationships - I have just never really been friends with people who thrive on that kind of thing.

Except for DH's best friend's wife. We were good friends for a while before they got married and I ALWAYS stuck up for her when they were in their off again stage. She asked me to be in their wedding but then like 2 weeks before, she all of a sudden got SUPER shady toward me and toward DH as well. DH noticed it too, which says a lot because he is completely laid back and never gets involved in that kind of stuff. Then, she got pregnant and I was super excited for them and sent her a message telling her congrats,etc., to which she replied "thanks." (When K was born, she also texted CONGRATS!! to DH but nothing to me, which is a whole different story...)

A lot of other stupid, shady, passive aggressive stuff has gone on throughout the past year and her DH made the comment to mine that she and I "hate each other". Um, what? I didn't get that memo. I have NO clue what the HELL I did to get this 180 response. It is mind boggling (bottling, heh) to me. I don't have enemies. I know that not everyone loves me nor should I expect them to, but I have never had someone just downright hate me.

Anyway, to my point: sh!t has hit the fan now that she freaked out on her H because DH and I are coming to their family's Halloween party (which we have gone to for years) and he is at his breaking point with her. I talked to him about how I just want to get over this because it is stupid and he agreed. She actually agreed to meet with me tonight, which I never thought she would because I had asked her several months ago and never got a response. Now I am super nervous and have no idea what I am going to even say. I almost want to just write it all out and give it to her, as ridiculous as that sounds, because I don't feel like I will be able to articulate what I want to say. Is that weird?

I just want this stupid crap to be done with because it makes things incredibly awkward and uncomfortable anytime we are all together...though we hardly ever all get together anymore because of whatever terrible awful thing I did to make her hate me. I want our kids to be able to grow up together, and for DH and his best friend to not have to deal with the awkwardness either.

MissMusic, can you just talk for me? Big Smile

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