July 2012 Moms

Husband's Job Transferring!

Two days ago my husband came home and told me that his job is moving down to Tampa, Florida. This is a huge move for us and quite a shock. I've been online for hours and nobody seems to have anything nice to say about Hillsborough County or Florida in general. Everything I have read makes it sound like there are roving bands of sex offenders, drug dealers, and thieves running around everywhere. Now, I'm thinking that it can't be as bad as I am reading. But I'm super anxious now. Does anyone know anything about this area who can offer some insight?
Husband and I are both carriers of Delta F508, one of the many mutations that cause Cystic Fibrosis. We pray for a cure.
D-IUI #1 September 2011 ~ BFN D-IUI #2 October 2011 ~ BFP!
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"Maybe you don't need the whole world to love you, ya know. Maybe you only need one person." Kermit the Frog
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