Pregnant after IF

Puked on a NYC street during morning rush hour in midtown...

So embarrassing so I thought I would share with ALL you ladies. :)

I went to a deli near my office feeling a little nauseous. I've been nauseous off and on the first tri but have never tossed it. Anyway, as I was waiting to pay, I knew I couldn't suppress it. I literally got my head out the door before losing it. Somehow I manage to cover myself in it head to toe. Not a good street puker, obviously. 

Why oh why did this have to happen near a place I go every single morning? I don't even look preg yet, just fat so I was even more mortified!

Stupid prenatal pill...I know you're the cause.  

Anyone else have embarrassing preg stories? Misery loves company ;) 

Me: 32 - low ovarian reserve
DH: 39 - no issues
3 failed IUI's
IVF #1 3/12 - 13 eggs, 9 fertilized, 2 transferred (1 grade 2 blast, 1 early blast), no frosties 3/30/12 -first beta today, 9dp5dt spotting, BFNs on HPT's
IVF #2. 7/12 - 15 days of stims, 3 mature eggs, 3 fertilized (ICSI), 3 transferred (9, 8, 7 cell) on day 3. First beta - 8/21/12 = 105, beta #2 - 8/23/12 = 268, beta #3 - 8/30/12 = 2,352. 2nd u/s - 9/4/12

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