Pregnant after IF

for those having twins...(sorry longer)

i had a doctor appt on tuesday and reallllllly like my new OB office that I switched to at 16 weeks or so. they are really awesome. however i want to know if my other bumpies are getting the same kind of vibes from their docs offices.

my OB office has labeled me something like a low-risk moderate risk pregnancy. Moderate only because its multiples, but low risk due to my age, no complications thus far (knock on wood!) and the fact that they are di/di twins which I'm beginning to understand now makes a big difference in terms of carrying them to term. I posted a little of this on Multiples last week but really would like some input from my PAIF ladies. Here are some questions and concerns I have and I just want to hear what you're feelings are, and just if I'm justified in feeling this way:

1. my last ultrasound was 6 weeks ago. I won't have another one until 2 weeks (28w4d) that is 8 weeks between ultrasounds, then after this next one i'll go in every 4 weeks. no cervical checks (i had one at 13 weeks and i was over 4) but is that normal? i am not going to my mfm anymore unless the OB office sees something of concern. then again, how can they see anything if they aren't checking? the OB said something like "oh well we don't do scans that close together because then we don't really see much of a change." but 8 weeks? doesn't that seem long?

2. another thing i'm worried about is the fact that my docs keep saying "you have a really good possibility of carrying full term." uhh, does that totally scare anyone else? i want these babies to be 100% healthy and a good weight, no NICU time, etc. but with my being 27 weeks tomorrow and already getting uncomfortable, i'm totally scared to think this could last for an entire 13 more weeks! is that totally selfish and horrible of me? what have your docs said to you about term length for di/di twins?

3. lastly, is anyone else on this board not delivering at a hospital with a nicu? every doc i've seen or talked to has said delivering di/di twins at a level II is not a big deal and totally fine. it's really starting to keep me up at night i doing whats best for my babies?

thanks for reading - i am really sorry this got so long! I guess i'm just having one of those anxiety filled mornings....

TTC #1 Since January 2011 Dx: PCOS and Anovulatory April 2012 BFP! Beta 1 5/22 - 1,000+ Beta 2 5/24 - 3,009 1st u/s 6/5 - TWINS!!! A/S Reveals we are Team PURPLE!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image image
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