1st Trimester

Baby #3 and so nervous?

I just found out that I am 4 weeks pregnant with our third child! I feel more nervous and anxious this time that I did with our first two. Maybe it is because we lost a baby a while ago or maybe it is because I know what to expect from pregnancy and delivery. I have already started a checklist of things that I know will have to be accomplished.... We will have to move, my maternity clothes from my previous pregnancies are off season, we have to prepare our two children for a sibling, I'll have to buy more baby clothes, we will have to tell my less than supportive in- laws.....the list could go on for pages. Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond thrilled. I think I'll be less overwhelmed the further this pregnancy progresses. We have wanted a third child for years; now that I'm pregnant, I'm not having the reaction I thought I would. 
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