1st Trimester

lets talk about trick or treating..

What time do you go trick or treating?

It starts to get dark now around 630 here and I'm not sure what time we should head out.

Where do you do trick or treating? In your neighborhood? Trunk or treat? A town thing?

I think we are going to go to my parents neighborhood where I grew up. We live in a small cityish place and they city is putting on something on main street BC its safer but I think we will just go into the burbs. Better candy anyway.

Who do you go trick or treating with?

I think I'm going to ask my sil if they want to join us this year.

Did you go trick or treating when you were a kid?

My husband has never been !! I didn't believe him when be told me but its true. His parents didnt let them. We used to go with like a group of 12 kids and all the parents would stay at one house and party while we ran through like 4 neighborhoods. Between my brother and I we would get almost 4 pillow cases full of candy.
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