Pregnant after IF

Bad news update

First I wanted to say thanks to all who offered support!  It was greatly appreciated!

After a long night of discussion and many tears we have decided that right now an amnio is not the right choice for us.  IF has made me so scared of losing this pregnancy, so doing any invasive testing, no matter how small the risk of miscarriage is just not something I am comfortable with right now.

So on Fri we will be doing the maternit21 test and then the AS in 5 weeks and then we will go from there.

Thanks again! 

Me 38, DB 38. Unexplained infertility. TTC 3 years. 3 failed IUI's. IVF #1 5-20. 3 embies transferred day 3. First beta 5-31. BFN. IVF#2 ER 7-31. 3 embies transferred day 3. Beta 1=144. beta #2=527. beta#3 3027. US: 1 perfect heartbeat at 156!
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