Pregnant after IF

Didn't We Almost Have it All? (goodbye)

For some reason this line form Whitney Houston has been stuck in my head ever since we got the news.  I had some spotting over the weekend.  Yesterday's ultrasound at 9w showed no heartbeat.  We were able to get squeezed in for a D&C today with my OB b/c my RE was out.  They are sending it off for testing since this is our 2nd loss.  I hope we get some answers.

It's been rough.  DH and I have been together for 11 years and yesterday was the first time I have ever seen him cry.   Even my father called me in tears yesterday.  I go back and forth between sadness, anger and bitterness.  I know I should feel grateful that we got pregnant but right now it just seems like it was a total waste of time.  What was the point???  And now we will have to wait even longer before we can try again. 

I just wanted to say good bye and good luck to all of you!  You ladies have been so sweet since I've been on this board and I know you all have been through a lot.  I hope everyone here has a happy and healthy 9 with cute little take home babies.  Maybe I will be able to join you all again someday.

TTC #1 - Since August 2010
Me: Long irregular cycles, late O, short LP. CD3 bw, u/s, 5dpo bw, SA, HSG = normal.
Diagnosis: Unexplained IF possible LPD w/ normal prog levels
BFP 9/2/11, EDD 5/13/12. 6w u/s- Blighted Ovum. M/C w/ cytotec 10/15/11.
Two 100mg Clomid and Three 5mg Femara Cycles + TI = 5 BFNs
5mg Femara + IUI #1 = BFN
5mg Femara + Injects (Lepori) + Trigger (Pregnyl) + TI = BFN
24 hour motility test = 0 motile sperm after 24 hours
Hysteroscopy to remove uterine polyp 6/12, Unmed. cycle after surgery = BFN.
Femara + Trigger + IUI #2 = BFN
Femara + TI = BFP. EDD 5/28/13. HB seen 2x. No HB @ 9w. Trisomy 15. D/C 10/24/12.
Break cycle, SHG all clear.
Femara + TI = BFN.
Femara + TI = who knows.

*Everyone Welcome*
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