July 2012 Moms

Flat Spot

So I have noticed that my little dude favors one side of his head (right) a few weeks ago while I was still home.  I have been watching him and at the last doctor appt the doctor said to just make sure we are doing lots of tummy time to help with his muscles...yada yada....the same thing they said with my first! :)  So we try to do tummy time and he hates it..yet I still make sure to put some in every day.  Well I am noticing he is getting a really bad flat spot.  Has anybodies doctors talked to them about this?  He isnt supposed to go back for his routine check up til Dec but I am thinking about making one before just for ideas on how to prevent or "fix" this.  I know when they start crawling /sitting it helps fix itself because of less pressure but I feel like it is getting really prominent.

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