July 2012 Moms

Daycare Vent/Question

Last night I was reviewing our daycare's handbook regarding vacation policies and holidays. Our daycare gives us 5 "vacation" days per year, where we can take DD out and not get charged for those days (otherwise we pay for 5 days a week regardless of how often DD is there). However, the daycare's policy is that these "vacation" days can't be used on a holiday where the daycare is closed. Okay, fine. But it also says we must pay for any holidays the daycare is closed. WTF? So they'll be closed for Thanksgiving and the day after, but DD can't be there and we STILL have to pay? Hmm Does this seem weird to anyone else? Any other daycare places have the same policy? I love our daycare place and this wouldn't have changed my mind, but it irritates me.

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