July 2012 Moms

Halloween, Scary Images, And Babies

Halloween is just a week away, and with it comes haunted houses, scary costumes and gory decorations.  I brought S into a costume store a few feeks ago and they had this mechanical 4 foot tall bloody and rather frightening girl in a nightgown.  Her arms were extended like reaching out and her face was really very scary, it creeped me out pretty bad.  I shielded Sunny's eyes so she wouldn't see that or the other horror images.  I was wondering if any of your LO's have been exposed to frightening, gory or horror images either by accident or otherwise.  How did they react?  I don't want her to see these things at this age but I have no idea if babies perceive scary images the way we do.  Is being frightened by scary sights a learned response or instincual or what?  What are your thoughts on this?  Like I said, I have no intention to expose her to this stuff at this age, I am just very curious. 

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