July 2012 Moms

Constipated on Soy Formula...poo tmi.

I have finally found a formula that doesn't result in liquid poo and mass amounts of spit up, and we had to put my 5yo dd on soy when she was a baby.  The downside....the constipation.  My poor baby just strained and screamed when she went and it was hard and marbly, followed by soft.  (sorry if TMI)

We have our check up with the pedi and I may call him, but with my 5yo daughter they had us do, Karo Syrup, then Gerbers pear juice, then finally miralax.  I can't remember if I started the Karo Syrup first or the Pear Juice, and if she was this little.  Anyone in a similar situation I would love to hear what is working for you.

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