1st Trimester

Yup, I've become crazy. Please give me hope!!!!

Okay backstory....

 Got BFP at 10 DPO. Called dr because of history of low progesterone with one of my prior pregnancies and they had me in for betas. Progesterone came back normal and HCG was 22 (11 DPO). At this point symptoms were mild cramping and very sore breasts. Dr called and said to do second beta since first was very low. Second beta at 14 DPO was 55 with a doubling time of 55.6 hours. Dr called yesterday and seemed happy with this result but since I have a history of a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks dr wanted me to come back for a third beta tomorrow. 

 Cut  to today. Sore breasts are almost non existent so this morning (because I'm crazy....see subject) I bought MORE FRER. The line was the same as 14 DPO ( two days ago). They aren't light lines but they are lighter than the control line. 

 I know you can't tell me I'm miscarrying.  But can you give me hope? Anyone's lines stay the same? Lose symptoms? Slow-ish beta rise? But still progress in their pregnancy?

 Sorry for any spelling mistakes. This was written on iPad. 

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