1st Trimester

Everyone has an opinion!

So I try not to talk about my "birth plan" with my friends. I have friends that say "do whatever the hospital says; doctor knows best" and other friends that say "you have to do a natural birth at home with a midwife!" Then there are the ppl that say  "don't let them do a c-section" and others that say "i've had 3 c-sections and I'm fine!"

 When I hash out anything labor/delivery wise in my head-- I constantly feel like I am doing something to harm my baby or myself! I know they don't mean to make me feel guilty or brain-dead... but sometimes their "advice" comes off as... "You are making a mistake and I know what's best." It's irritating. Anyone have this happen and have any advice for me?? 

And it almost seems worse coming from my friends who have had natural home births. The ones who had regular epidural hospital births are like... "cool, you do what you think is best..." but the ones who have had natural births continue to force and throw at me their ideas of what they say I should be doing. Do I really need to feel like I am committing a major crime by saying that I MIGHT possibly listen to my doctor a tiny bit??????? Eh, I'm ranting...  

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