Pregnant after IF


I saw your post in the 2nd tri check in and I swear we have so much in common!  Not only do we share a due date, but my shower is also this weekend, I have also been stressing about how people haven't bought much off of the registry and I have been struggling to sleep because of hip pain.  As I was reading your post I felt like I could have written that exact thing.  SO crazy!!  I hope you have a great time at your shower this weekend.
DX: Anovulation
TX: IUI #1-4 = BFN + 1 c/p
IUI #5: Clomid 100mg + Bravelle + Trigger + B2B IUIs + 800mg Progesterone = BFP!
Beta #1 (14dpiui): 460 Beta #2 (16dpiui): 998 Beta #3 (23dpiui): 21,832 Beta #4 (29dpiui): 129,771

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