July 2012 Moms

Need to Vent

I get up early every day so I can make breakfast, make my DH lunch, and take care of the baby. Sometimes I wake my husband up at 8, sometimes I let him sleep til 9. Then I clean, run errands, and entertain LO and the dog all day until it's time to make dinner. Then I cook a full meal every single night, and wash all the dishes afterwards, and finally around 8:00 I sit down with my family and enjoy the rest of the evening. 

Is it TOO much to ask for my husband to let me know when he's going to be working late so the dinner I just cooked doesn't get cold or so I can postpone cooking it? Is it TOO much to ask that he doesn't toss his dirty clothes on the floor instead of in the hamper that is literally 6 inches from where they land? Is it too much to ask that he take his lunch in the morning instead of forgetting it on the counter and then eating out? We're not made of money, we're just comfortable, but we buy food for a freaking reason..not so it can go bad in the fridge because he wants to eat out. We buy laundry detergent and pay utility bills for a freaking reason, not so he can go change the oil in his car in his NICE NEW clothes, not his work clothes and stain and ruin them with oil because "his work clothes were dirty". We buy flipping overpriced gas for our vehicles for a freaking reason, so we can get around the city and do the things we need to do and go for a drive on Sundays, not so he can use my vehicle for work instead of the company vehicle, because he "didn't feel like driving a cube van today"!

And then he comes home, and gives me a kiss, and asks how my day was, and I say it was great, and I put on a big smile, and ask him about his day and move on. And I have told him these things many many times, in a polite way and in a not so polite way, and he continuously just does.not.get.it. And he tells me about all the things he wants- a new truck, a new phone, a vacation, a speaker system, another TV, and I want to scream at him that maybe if he didn't eat out all the time, or didn't buy three coffees in a day (oh man that irks me SO much), and didn't waste all our gas on company stuff that we never get reimbursed for, that MAYBE we could afford some new things. But apparently, that's what our savings are for. I budget, and I save, and I cook, I clean and I try my best to make life as easy as possible for him, but somehow its just not enough. 

Don't get me wrong. I love my H dearly. He helps out with everything so much, and I feel guilty for venting about him, but I just need to get it out. I don't want you guys to get a bad picture of him, I'm just frustrated right now with meal planning my week wondering if it's even worth it to cook.

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