July 2012 Moms

Motivation picture

Do any of y'all have that one picture from your past (1, 2, 12 years ago?) that you use as motivation? I do! I only have about 6 pounds left to go to get back to my pre pregnancy weight, but about 12-15 in order to get back to my soccer playing, fit, feeling-good weight. I also need to seriously tone up. I started this monday really watching what I eat and hopefully finding the time to excercise. I have done nothing since having LO and I may have lost the weight, but I am all flab and jiggle...yuck. I stick the picture on the fridge so it will remind me to make healthy choices! Haha.

Anyway, feel free to post that pic of you looking your absolute best! Maybe it will motivate us all to get healthy and feelin smexy again!

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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