July 2012 Moms

Lovely first day back


My boss didn't put me back into the system yet so I'm locked out of everything until at least tomorrow, could be longer. So she assigned me random organizing and filing which took me about 20 minutes to accomplish. She wanted me to pump in our bathroom. Which has no lock on the main door, one stall, and the only outlet is by the sink so I couldn't sit in the stall even if I wanted to.

So I put a sign on the door [it doesnt lock] and sat in one of the little rooms that customers use to go through their safety deposit boxes, real sanitary.

So now I'm hanging out in the back room where she wanted me to organize things until I have to pump again around 1. She seriously thought that putting envelopes into chronological order would take me 3 hours.

But on a good note Oliver is doing fabulous according to my dad. He took a good nap this morning and a 3 oz bottle like a champ. And took about a 20 minute car ride without crying. Why can't he do that well when I'm with him all day?!
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Oliver Jude born 7/23/12, our NICU baby
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