1st Trimester

Constant anxiety

I've been having a terrible time this pregnancy with anxiety over everything. I'm so worried something will go wrong. Already I've discovered I ate a food product recalled for possible listeria contamination, and then today I found out that the bio oil and other lotions I use contain a retinol product that can cause birth defects! Am doomed??? That's honestly how I feel right now.i just want to cry! I told by OB over the phone a out the listeria thing and all he said was its unlikely I'll get it And to go to the hospital if I have a fever and chills. That didnt satisfy my fears at all! What should I do? I ate the product at least 3 weeks to 1 month ago and I havnt had any symptoms but I hear listeria poisoning can show up even two months after ingesting it. Am I being a complete freak? 

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