July 2012 Moms

DD didn't eat all day!!!

I came home from work early because suddenly DD isn't eating!! She cried at the bottle all day. I stopped by daycare at lunch and fed her a little and then she fell asleep. She has been showing signs of reflux (arching her back, spitting up, crying at feeding) so I called her Ped and he called her in medicine. So I gave her some at lunch too. Then my daycare provider said she still wasn't eating and was just screaming!! So I called her Ped and he wants to see her, so I left work. DD is now breastfeeding, so... is it bottle regression? Reflux? Teething? I don't know!! What if she doesn't eat all day tomorrow, or the next? She has been eating great at daycare (for the past 5 weeks) and she was acting and eating fine all weekend! I'm so confused! She has been chewing on her fists like crazy for weeks and drooling which I think teething but what would cause her to not eat from the bottle all day suddenly? We go to the Ped soon... Just a first time mom freak-out.
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