1st Trimester

Ughh 7 weeks and feel so sick wish I would throw up!

I have been feeling sick for about a week now, and it is all day pretty much. I have an 18 month old as well so it is so incredibly tough being with her all day, feeling sick to my stomach and having to prepare her food and snacks. I have been eating nothing but cheese and crackers, saltines, bagels or cereal. The thought of anything else makes me feel sick. How are you ladies getting through this?? My 18 month old goes to bed at 7, and when she does I literally go to bed to sleep through the sickness. When I am sleeping is where I have most of the relief...but during the day I feel so sick that I almost wish I could throw up. I just cant bear this anymore, and just knowing I have at least 5 more weeks of this or so, AHHHHH..And I have to make my little one chicken tonight, I have been putting it off because the sight of chicken will make me gag, but she needs to have it :(.

I have seen ladies posting about ginger teas, but I have NO clue as to which ones would be good and safe.

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