July 2012 Moms

Pumping at work and quantity question

Today is my first day back at work and I'm trying to figure out this pumping situation. You have to reserve the mother's room ahead of time, which I didn't know until today but still managed to get in there. I pumped 3 hours after I fed my son at home this AM and then 3 hours after I pumped. Is this a good schedule? At home I fed on demand which could mean every 2 hours or every 4 hours.

Secondly, I don't know if my pump sucks or if this is a normal amount to get, but this morning I pumped 4 ounces from one side and 2 from the other and then only pumped 3 and 1.5 during my second pumping session. That seems like such a little amount, right? I realize there may not be a norm but I'm just wondering what is considered a good amount. I have a big boy who, when he took a bottle, in the past eats about 4 oz at a time.

Wow this ended up being very rambly.. if you made it through and have some advice thank you thank you thank you.

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