1st Trimester

7th week... bloated, sick, moody, losing hair


 I'm 7 weeks into my pregnancy and at first it seemed like I was going to be a lucky one and miss out on all the fun things other women go through. (not!) Since even before I found out I was expecting (around 4 weeks) I was bloated beyond anything I remember feeling in the past. (first pregnancy) But that was the only thing I had and wasnt a big deal. At around week 6 I started losing hair slowly at first, I would find several clumps of strands on my pillow, and in the shower running my fingers through my hair there would be clumps stuck to my fingers. And the mood swings?... like im on a no exit roller coaster. Tough stuff and only 7 weeks in. As for the morning sickness that too started a few days ago and now I have two new little (not so stylish) bracelets, sea band. They seem to help but as for eating food I think I would rather lick the local side walk. Poor husband reheated a pizza yesterday with red pepper flakes and parmesan cheese over the top.... I thought I was done for. The smell did not make me throw up but I'm pretty sure my stomach did a few acrobatics in there. I have not had an appt with a doctor yet but am next week. I have collected several books and all of them say this is "normal" but it does not really make me feel any better. Just hope once the second trimester hits I will lose some of the not so nice feelings and exchange them out for ones where I dont feel like im fat, balding, suddenly afraid of all foods, and a on a wild ride of emotions (ok that may not stop since its hormones and its just part of being pregnant). But I would like to go through one day where I dont feel like I need an afternoon nap.... like im a kid again.

Thanks for listening to my rant. Any advice is welcome!

Jessie (moody mom-to-be)

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