July 2012 Moms

Working Momma's Come on in!

Is anyone else severley not productive at work? 

I just got an email from my boss asking what he can do to help my productivity...uugggh.  How about you come to my house and babysit so I can get bills paid, wedding planned, budget done, ect so I wont have to do it here? Good gracious, this is literally the ONLY time I have to get any of that done (except for maybe 30 min after DS goes down for the night, after which I get myself showered and to bed) and yes I do get on here quite often as well but heck I would lose my sanity if I couldn't lol. 

What sucks is my job is completely 100% productivity and quality based and I have been on the bottom since I came back from leave..ugggh.  I feel like a failure as an employee lately Sad

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