July 2012 Moms

Having One Of Those "I Suck As A Mom" Days.

I want to crawl under a rock today.  In addition to the constant, annoying, infuriating bang-bang-bang from the construction next door that was supposed to be completed 6 weeks ago (don't even get me started), I'd like to vent about how everything sucks.

My kid hates me.  I'm the Milk Machine and thats it.  She has her happy, smiley moments with DH and couldn't care less where I am unless her tummy is empty.

She had a meltdown this morning while DH was out (happens every time he leaves) and he walks in and says "...she's crying, huh?".  Thats on par with "looks like someone has a case of the Mondays."  I wish I could beat his a$$.

I miss showering, and eating.  I'm tired of stupid things like DH not wiping the crumbs off the effing counter so that we can deal with ants.  I'm tired of having a roommate and not a husband.  I'm sad that I don't have a street where I can go for a walk with the baby.  I'm sad that I haven't given my dogs nearly as much attention as I should and end up yelling at them and they don't know why.  My house is upside-down and I can't keep up.  I'm sad that I feel like I try so hard, every day, and it doesn't seem to make a lick of difference--I just get in deeper than I was the day before.

I feel like I'm failing at everything today. Hrrrrrng.

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