1st Trimester

Am I a bad mom already?

I am 6 weeks 6 days. I have always wanted children (3 in fact), I have ALWAYS wanted nothing more than to be a mom. I had an amazing mother and always dreamed of the day I could have children and show them the amount of love I was shown. Now it is my time and I don't feel like I am having a baby. I mean when I think about that DH and I will have a child I'm excited (the baby was planned), but I feel the same excitement as I did when we were just talking about having a baby. DH said it became real for him after our first appointment, when they called back and it same the blood work came back and yes I was in fact going to have a baby. I actually forget that I am pregnant. What kind of first time mom forgets that? I have been sick nonstop so it's not like I am not having symptoms and that is why... ugh I am hoping when we go in on Nov 6 and have our first u/s that we hear a heartbeat and that helps. Please tell me I am not alone?.


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