July 2012 Moms

Eat, sleep, play

We have no routine whatsoever. He nurses a lot and takes a lot of short short naps. And I probably don't let DS play enough. He gets time on the play mat but it's not consistent. He loves to nurse and comfort sucks a lot, then naps on the Boppy in front of me. He will be unpleasantly surprised tomorrow when he's with my mom and dad all day with no boobies.

So I would love to get an idea of timing you guys use with this. How long is the nap? How long do they play? Do you push for 2-3 hours between feedings? I think he will go longer between them with a bottle but right now we nurse every 1.5 to 2 hours during the day, unless we're out and about (so I know he doesn't need to actually eat that often, he just wants to comfort suck).

I'm not going to really push a routine on him but I think it will make things easier while I'm at work to at least try for one.

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Oliver Jude born 7/23/12, our NICU baby
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