July 2012 Moms

3.5 hours of sleep. FML.

Ok, I need to whine. I realize that I sound like a spoiled brat.

I got a grand total of 3 1/2 hours of sleep, DH accidentally let an extra bag of breastmilk defrost and I didn't realize it until too late so I had to dump 7oz (what was in the bag that he took "just in case" and the rest of the bottle that she didn't finish), my cleaning lady is coming tomorrow and the house is a mess, DD was supposed to start at the sitters today (every Monday for 5 hours until she can start Mothers Day Out) but her kid is puking so I somehow have to go to the grocery store, take DH's suits and some dress shirts to the cleaners (his grandmother passed away over the weekend), and run a few other errands that I can't avoid today. I had to bail on lunch with DH's partners wives today because DD is horrendous in restaurants (she will not sit in her carseat while we eat and doesn't like for me to just hold her without nursing) and I can't even look forward to DD napping because it takes at least an hour to get her to nap lately and she'll only sleep for about 20 minutes. By the time DH gets home, DD will be cluster feeding so I will not have a break or any sanity until at least 10pm tonight, with the exclusion of DD's bath tonight (a grand total of 10 minutes).

Gah. I love my child but I HATE HATE HATE having a high maintenence child.

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