July 2012 Moms

Baby's firs stomach bug...blech!!!

Well this was a great weekend! Tongue Tied

Baby girl hardly ate on friday, left at least an ounce and a half in all of her bottles, then came home and practically refused her nighttime bottle. Then, as I put her to bed, tried one more time to feed her and she puked all over me.  Not spit up - full on projectile heaving!  It's amazing that so much can come out with such force of someone that is so small!  It was like something out of a cheesy horror movie!

Well she went to sleep fine, slept all night and had a full bottle in the morning so I thought she was fine - maybe just gagged from the bottle and made herself vomit...not so!  She basically slept ALL day Saturday and ate maybe 6 oz of formula total the few times she actually woke up.  She didn't seem to be in any real pain or uncomfortable though, so we still got her dressed and ready to go with us to our friend's wedding.  I'm carrying her downstairs in her new dress and guess what...vomit exposion again!  That girl sure does have great timing!

After a long chat with the pedi's office to make sure she didn't have something more serious, she spent yesterday cluster feeding every two hours and catnapping.  If she wasn't sleeping, eating or in her bath she was screaming bloody murder.  It's like I had a three week old all over again...aaaahhhhh nostalgia!

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