July 2012 Moms

Tried to move up bedtime...

Dd is a great night sleeper but a horrendous napper. She fought her late afternoon nap for so long 3 hours that it was finally too late and we decided to just put her down for the night early. Well, that has failed, too, because she just woke up and is now nursing. She hasn't woken at night in weeks!

I know this sounds crazy to some. After all, she is sttn and has since 6 weeks or so. I just can't get her to nap other than her morning nap and it makes her so fussy. Between the puking from reflux, fussiness from being overtired, and inability to help her, I'm just exhausted. It is downright exhausting to spend literally hours trying to get her to nap every single day. I have read books on sleep and tried everything. I am so tired of not being able to enjoy her because she is so fussy and I'm frustrated. Ugh.
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