1st Trimester

HG Mommas!

I've made a badge for us. I haven't had m/s too bad so far, just a little nausea, but I am not even 5 weeks yet! When I was pregnant with DD I remember telling DH, "If one more person suggests the saltine 'trick', I am going to shove a box of saltines where the sun don't shine!"

Anyway, feel free to snag!
Lilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie Maternity tickers
BFP #1: 12/22/10. EDD: 9/4/11. BDay: 8/30/11
BFP #2: 10/16/12. EDD: 6/27/13. Said Goodbye: 10/22/12
BFP #3: 11/20/12. EDD: 8/1/13. STICK BABY STICK!
Betas: 11/30/12 - 2819. 12/2/12 - 7339! Keep growing, baby!

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